Find a major that truly matches your interests and personality!

Choosing a major that really suits you can be quite a struggle. StudyMatch therefore assists you in making a well-informed decision about your major and future career. You may already have an idea of the career that appeals to you most, but need more information about the available majors. Maybe you find it difficult to choose between multiple majors, or do not know where to begin your search at all. We are here for you in all of these cases.

Choose one of our industries to receive in-depth information

To make the search a little easier for you, we have grouped related majors together. We call these groups “the industries”. Choose one of the twelve industries in the box below to receive in-depth information about the related majors, to gain insight into the experiences of both students and professionals or to find out in which cities you can start your student life.

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Let us assist you with other helpful resources

Are you not sure which major is the right choice for you and would you like some additional help? We have also created other helpful resources to assist you, such as a blog with tips and tricks on choosing your major and studying in general and an overview of all majors and all universities in Cambodia. Additionally, we are happy to provide educational NGOs with a free personality test that gives students insight into their personality and interests and majors that are compatible with these characteristics.